Thursday, 21 March 2013

Homework #4

So for this weeks homework I chose to do 2 choices, to write about a Korean artist and make a poster promoting different types of Korean art.

Byeon Sang-byeok  변상벽; 卞相璧.
Byeon was a royal canimal painter who lived sometime in the late 17th and 18th centuries, he is mainly known for painting cats. Byeon loved animals and just loved to observe cats and watch them doing what cats love to do. Byeon was known for his very detailed brushstrokes that showed a lot of expression. Byeon Sang-byeok was a painter who is not very well-known in the West, but he was most definently an amazing cat artist. Byeon painted upclose and paid attention to the intricate detial of the cats rather than other art that is in 'Chinese style'

This is Byeon's most famous painting late Myojakdo meaning 'Painting of Cats and Sparrows'

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