Monday, 25 February 2013

Kpop academy week 1

So this was the first day of the KCCUK Kpop academy. I was SO happy that I got picked and was really excited to go. When I got there, I received a bag of free goodies (Which I was extremely pleased with) and had my photo taken. I then met up with the other students who I knew a few of already. We then had to give our presentations on ourselves, which I was really nervous about but it was interesting to see what the other students interests in Korea were. Then we had a short break and ate some Korean snacks (which were really interesting) then we got put into 4 different teams named after different kpop groups, I got big bang and we had a quiz related to all things Korean.My team lost but I was happy that I actually knew a lot of the answers. After I went to a Korean restaurant with the friends I had made there. I am really looking forwards to the next 11 weeks!

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